Roadmap Infomancer Forge

Roadmap Infomancer Forge

Update Blogs

Beta Released 11 Sep 2023
Beta Released 11 Sep 2023
Beta RC2 Mac and Linux
Beta RC2 Mac and Linux
Beta RC 1 Releases 28 Aug 2023
Beta RC 1 Releases 28 Aug 2023
Beta Update Plugin Manager 20 Aug 2023
Beta Update Plugin Manager 20 Aug 2023
Beta Update 14 Aug 2023
Beta Update 14 Aug 2023
Infomancer Forge, Alpha Version 31 July 2023
Infomancer Forge, Alpha Version 31 July 2023

Current Version Beta

This is the first Beta release that we consider solid and functionally complete. Of course we plan to continue development but this is a stable version that should be a good base to start building your games from.
Array reordering changed in properties editor to move not swap values.
The ability to remove a GOB instance from a View. (This does not delete it)

Previous Version Beta (rc2)

The version to follow will be the First Beta version. Below is a list of features we will be adding to the Beta.
We have decided to keep the product free and ask people to assist us by being involved helping others, testing and suggesting features.
Visualize and allow editing of the order of Array objects in a view.
Reordering of Array items
File management functions.
Refactor old package names to informancerforge.
Update GIT hub readme with the libraries used.

Previous version Beta (rc1)

The current version is the Alpha Version of Infomancer Forge. This version contains the most basic features needed to consider the product useful.
Enhanced search function.
Outputting c#(unity) code for processing and reading json files.
Online plugin catalogue.
Some tweaks such as reloading files on gaining focus and refreshing editors of files that have changed on the OS.
Various LUA enhancements to make development easier.

Feature backlog

Add an update alert to startup to help users stay up to date.
Support for Godot exporting and importing.
Transient values.
Create c# scripts that handle these.
Lua Functions to manipulate Views.
Lua functions to assist when capturing GOB Instances.
GOB Properties Default value. (Saved as a null default used on export when null)
New features to make View’s more useful.
Show gob type information.
Connector line types.
When a connector color is empty use the item it connects to as a color. (BASE Class Item)
Summary alignment (LEFT,RIGHT, CENTER)
Summary bbcode support (partial, specifically [color=#FF0000],[B] and [I])
Labels for lines. (Text display that writes along the line to tell you what it is
Draw all connectors then all BOXES (Sort order for drawing. Lines connectors Boxes)
Allow exclusing or ordering numbers in view.

Infomancer Forge Related Projects

Dialog engine

We will be building a dialog system for Infomancer forge. There will be a JS and a Unity runtime for it. JS will just perform state-management while Unity will have some tools for the presentation of choices and dialog.
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