We have reached a stable build of features in this Alpha. Below is a list of enhancements from the Tool Jam version.
GOB Designer
- Add Property color for all fields.
- Add a clear to the color picker. (Global change)
- Keep column ordering from Table view matching the order in the design view.
- Fixed field editing to handle when we change types we are extending.
- Make sure all edits flag gobs as changed.
- Hot Keys for adding and deleting rows.
- New GOB type Linked. Does not require a unique ID but is linked to on a UUID.
GOB Data Capture
- Made table headers more informative.
- Allow properties editor to dock and undock.
- Rebuild the Table view if the GOB or a Parent has been modified.
- Added precision to floats.
- Properties editor now updates the instance table model.
- Hot Keys for adding and deleting rows.
- Properties View handles Array editing properly for all cases now.
- Number formatting.
- Column alignments for types more suitable.
- Search implemented.
- Automatically hide and show all connected children.
- Have a default mode for showing gob's by kind.
- Redraw when changing grid size.
- Allow GOB properties to have a background color.
- Make adjustments to the arrow based on the Type being linked.
- Allow editing of ID fields in view mode
- Update BUG that was causing the system to jam.
- Redraw BUG in Views.
- GOB Field editing table model column mixing up editors.
- GOB Instance Checkbox initialization issue.
- GOB Instance editor loosing focus sometimes loosing changes.
- Field single-> array was breaking and loosing data.
- Window artifacts after solution was sleeping and woken up on windows 10 and 11.
- JSON export completed
- New Lua functions for settings.
- Window positions now relative to project.
- Remembers the docking state and open windows.
- New ICON.
We starting on the roadmap for the Beta version. Details can be seen here.